Program Admission Criteria
The Cardiovascular Technology (CVT) Program is a limited-access program that admits only one class per year. The application window runs from April 15 through May 30, with classes beginning each August or fall term. If the application deadline falls on a weekend, the application is due on the Friday before May 30. Any application not directly viewable within the Etrieve system by the stated deadline will not be processed. No applications will be accepted past the deadline for any reason.
The following program prerequisite courses must be completed with a “C” or better prior to admission:
- ENC 1101 English Composition
- MAC 1105 College Algebra
- BSC 2085C Anatomy & Physiology I
- BSC 2086C Anatomy & Physiology II
- HSC 1531 Medical Terminology
In addition to the prerequisite courses, the following are minimum requirements for admission to the CVT Program:
- Acceptance to Polk State College as a credit student with all required admission documents and fees received by the Registrar
- Completion of any required college prep courses
- Current American Heart Association (AHA) Health Care Provider CPR certification ONLY
- Overall GPA of 2.5 or greater
- The Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). The TEAS is an admission requirement for the CVT Program, even if the student has a prior degree. Click here for more information.
After acceptance into the CVT Program, the following corequisites must be completed by each student under the direction of the program director and clinical coordinator, prior to the beginning of program core courses in the fall term:
- Medical physical
- Immunization records verifying the required MMR, Varicella, PPD, Tdap, Influenza, and Hepatitis B vaccinations have been administered (influenza vaccination received during flu season; Hepatitis B (3 shot series) must be completed or in progress before clinical rotations)
- Current titer levels for required immunizations AND surface antigen for Hepatitis B once the three-shot series is completed
- 10 panel drug screening
- Affidavit of moral character attesting to the non-committance of specific criminal acts
- National background check AND sexual predator background check
The cost of the two-year program is approximately $11,000. This cost includes course fees, books, uniforms, national registry fees, physical, immunization records tractor (CastleBranch), Trajecsys student record tracking, and ACLS Certification. This figure does not include any college prep courses, additional classes the student may enroll in, or travel to and from clinical rotations
The CVT Program is a full-time program that runs for six consecutive terms. Students are highly encouraged not to work during this rigorous program. The only breaks from didactic and clinical instruction are the days delineated within each term. Per program core performance standards, students can expect to be on their feet most of the day in the hands-on lab and during clinical rotations. The program begins each fall term and ends upon the completion of summer term in the second year.
During the first year of the program, students can expect to be in class, hands-on lab, and clinical observation Monday through Friday. There are never weekend classes, hands-on labs, clinical observations, or clinical rotations. Typically, didactic courses are on Tuesdays or Thursdays in block-style scheduling. For a standard three-credit course, instruction is provided for three hours during one meeting each week. The curriculum sequence does have two courses which are taught in the late afternoon (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.).
The hands-on portion of the curriculum has students in the lab either Monday or Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with clinical observations occurring at affiliate cath labs throughout Central Florida (typically from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) on days when students are not scheduled in the lab. In addition, students are required to utilize the hands-on lab a specific number of additional times, above and beyond the scheduled lab time with their instructor, as outlined in the course syllabi.
During the second year of the program, students can expect clinical rotations two to three days per week. Clinical rotation times vary according to the affiliate to which the students are assigned. Students will go to multiple affiliate sites, both close and distant from their homes, and possess a valid driver’s license and a means of transportation to and from clinics, the lab, and didactic courses. The only didactic course in year two is the capstone review course which prepares students for the Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS) exam. Every student will have the opportunity to sit for the credentialing exam during the last term in the program, prior to graduation, and before graduates begin working in the cath lab.
The program course sequence is comprised of the required 77 credits to earn an associate degree in this discipline. This includes program prerequisites (17 credits), required general education courses (9), and core program courses (51 credits). Students will complete more than 1,000 hours of clinical experience in preparation to begin their new careers.
Year 1 – Fall Term
CVT1000 Intro. to CV Technology (3)
CVT1261 CV Anatomy & Physiology (2)
CVT2500 EKG Interpretation (3)
CVT1800L CV Pre-Practicum I (3)
Year 1 – Spring Term
CVT2420 Invasive Cardiology I (3)
CVT1220 CV Pharmacology (3)
CVT1801L CV Pre-Practicum II (5)
Year 1 – Summer Term
CVT2421 Invasive Cardiology II (3)
CVT2511 Radiation Safety & Biology (3)
CVT1805L CV Intervention Pre-Practicum III (5)
Year 2 – Fall Term
CVT2120L CV Practicum IV (5)
Year 2 – Spring Term
CVT2843L CV Practicum V (5)
Year 2 – Summer Term
CVT2950 CV Capstone Review (3)
CVT2844L CV Practicum VI (5)
Students are encouraged to complete the required general education courses within the curriculum sequence at their prerogative. All courses must be completed with a “C” or greater to remain in the program. Students who fail the same course twice or two separate courses will be dismissed from the program and be ineligible to return.
Please direct any questions to Program Director Kevin Ferrier, BS, RT(R)(CV) at 863.669.2947 or